Revisting Pimoroni Hyperpixel

When I first received this I was a little disappointed that the screen took over so many of the header pins and Raspbian is pretty awful to use with a touchscreen. This got me thinking that what this screen is shouting out for is custom touchscreen applications that combine with the power of the Pi.
Dashboarding on Raspbian
A little project of mine was focused on using the Pillow (PIL) Python library to draw custom graphs, controls and indicators for the e-ink displays. I put this aside, but reused and expanded the code to work with TK. I guess I could have gone in two other directions as well and used Pygame or Qt. I made a choice and used TK as Python seems closely associated.
My main need was to display metrics and have limited button pressing capability. Luckily text input isn't an important requirement, although a decent on screen keyboard would be useful.
Beer Brewing Dash
Beer brew stats are already captured in MQTT and are to hand on my phone. Why not on my desktop and on the HyperPixel. Well here's the results so far running on a Pi 3
This runs on Python 3 and 2.7 without any fuss. Linux distros will need to have some freefonts installed. The above is using FreeSans.
Running on Windows is also possible and I've installed Python 3 to do just this.
There's loads of configuration with the controls and the above are configured to be black on white whilst the HyperPixel is running with a black background.
The code is mostly there and should be up on GitHub soon.
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